Special appearance in San Francisco Immigration Court
Table of Contents
Sometimes other attorneys, who have a scheduling conflict or practice law in another town or state, ask us to do a special appearance in San Francisco Immigration Court. In some cases immigration judges deny motions for telephonic appearances, or there is not enough time to file one. We have been in this situation before and routinely cover hearings for other immigration attorneys.
Please find below an approximate schedule of fees that our immigration attorney charges for a special appearance in San Francisco Immigration Court.
Cost of a special appearance in San Francisco Immigration Court
- Special appearance in San Francisco Immigration Court at a master calendar hearing–$500
- Special appearance in San Francisco Immigration Court at a bond hearing–$1,000
- Asylum interview–$2,000
Forms of payment
We accept all major credit cards subject to a 3.5% surcharge by the bank.
Availability for special appearance in San Francisco Immigration Court
We have several attorneys who may be able to do a special appearance. Please check our calendar on the website. Our calendar is up-to-date and it appears at the following link. Please bear in mind that the calendar also shows in-office meetings and consultations. If needed, we can bump or reschedule those appointments for an urgent special appearance in San Francisco Immigration Court.
If you have an urgent need to cover a hearing in San Francisco Immigration Court, please contact us directly by phone at 415-997-8144 or by e-mail at andreiromanenko@gmail.com. Please explain the urgency of your request to the secretary and ask to speak with Andrei Romanenko.
The information we need
We often ask to e-mail us the documents filed before the hearing to better prepare for the special appearance in San Francisco Immigration Court. Also, we can file documents with the Immigration Court before or during the hearing. Usually, our attorney will want to discuss the case with the principal immigration attorney.
Our attorney will need to fill out form EOIR-28 before the special appearance in San Francisco Immigration Court. First of all, to prepare the form we need the client’s name, A-number, and address. Finally, we will need the information of all derivatives in removal proceedings.
Delivering notice and the hearing notes
Upon completion of the special appearance in San Francisco Immigration Court, we will e-mail to the principal attorney the notice of the next hearing along with our hearing notes. Finally, we will hand he judge’s order and the hearing notice to respondent or mail them to the principal attorney.